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Regulations and Study Plans

Degree course Degree in Nursing


Didactic Regulations (for students enrolled in 2022/2023)

Study Plan / Didactic Plan (for students enrolled in 2022-2023)

Notice – Check obsolescence of content art. 34 Regulations



Prerequisites for exams

All students are reminded that they must fulfil the prerequisites below:


  • "Biological Sciences" course (1st year 1st semester) preparatory to the "Clinical Propaedeutics" course (1st year 2nd semester).
  • "Morphological Sciences" course (1st year 1st semester) and "Physiological Sciences" (1st year 1st semester) preparatory to the courses "Clinical Nursing in the medical area" and "Clinical Nursing in the Surgical area" (2nd year 1st semester).
  • Nursing Sciences" (1st year 1st semester) and of "Laboratory 1st year" preparatory to the attendance of the second-year internship.
  • "Clinical Nursing in the medical area" and "Clinical Nursing in the Surgical area" (2nd year 1st semester) and "2nd year Laboratory" preparatory to the attendance of the third-year internship.


  • "Biological Sciences" course (1st year 1st semester) preparatory to the "Clinical Propaedeutics" course 1st year 2nd semester).
  • "Physiological Sciences" course (1st year 1st semester) preparatory to the " Clinical Propaedeutics " course (1st year 2nd semester).
  • "Morphological Sciences" (1st year 1st semester) preparatory to the courses "Clinical Nursing in the medical area" and "Nursing in the Surgical area" (2nd year 1st semester).
  •  "Nursing Sciences" (1st year 1st semester) preparatory to the attendance of the second-year internship.
  • Clinical Nursing in the Medical Area” and “Nursing in the Surgical Area” (2nd year 1st semester) preparatory to the internship of the III year.

 La mancata osservanza, da parte dello studente, delle norme sulla propedeuticità comporta l’annullamento dell’esame sostenuto.



Regulations of previous academic years M.D. 270/2004


Study plans for previous academic years M.D. 270/2004


        Alba — Alessandria — Biella — Novara — Tortona — Verbania


Last modified 5 October 2022