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Corso Corso di Laurea in Medical Biotechnologies (in lingua inglese)


The purpose of the internship is to develop an original experimental research program, allowing the student to broaden the scientific knowledge and skills acquired during the theoretical courses. The final writing and presentation of the thesis will help students acquire skills in scientific dissemination in the field of medical biotechnology.

The internship is an educational experience that is an integral part of the degree program. It is also an important requirement for the degree as it ends with the writing of a master's degree thesis based on the research project agreed with the Academic Tutor.

The internship can be carried out, inside or outside the School of Medicine, in Italy or abroad.



The Project Presentation Days for the 1st year students of Medical Biotechnologies a.y. 2024/2025 will take place on:

1) Tue, December 10th, 2024 at 14:00 p.m. (AULA CS01,CAMPUS)

2) Wed, December 12nd, 2024 AT 14:00 p.m.(AULA CS02, CAMPUS)

This event is aimed at helping the students to choose the laboratory for the internship.

The Professors of the different laboratories present their research projects to the students and communicate open slots for internship and thesis.


a) Internship in laboratories of the School of Medicine

How to proceed:
- Follow the lab activities presentations (10-12th december 2024) and take note of the topics;
- Contact the professors whose prejects are of interest for you;
- The professors will plan the individual interviews and select the candidates;
- The professors will comunicate the names of the recruited students filling a dedicated document (January 2025) and a
intership positions consuntive document will be shared with the students and mentors;
- In march a second recruitment round will be planned dedicated to the students not yet recruited

The activities will begin when the recruitment procedure will be over and each professor will autonomously proceed with
the internship activities.

Changes of the elective laboratory during the intenship will not be allowed


b) Internship in companies or private laboratories outside the university

To apply, students must identify, together with the Tutor / Supervisor, the Laboratory in which it will be possible to develop the Thesis Project by following this procedure:

  • Schedule a meeting with a Professor (Academic Tutor for Internship) for an evaluation of the type of company or other private laboratories outside the School of Medicine that might be a suitable option for the student;
  • Fill in the mandatory  GOOGLE FORM .
  • For further information  Please contact the Didactic Office through the service UPO RISPONDE (Upo Replies) https://www.uniupo.it/en/upo-replies

Ultima modifica 12 Febbraio 2025