Qualifying internship
Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery
The Decree Law no. 18 of 17 March 2020 abolished the State Exam for licensing in the medical profession; as stated in the circular of 25 March 2020, graduates of Medicine and Surgery who complete their internship (former M.D. 445/2001 and 58/2018) are to be viewed as qualified to practise.
Practical-evaluative pre-graduation internship
With the Decree Law no. 18 of 17 March 2020 (art. 102) abolished the State Exam for licensing in the medical profession; graduates of Medicine and Surgery who complete their internship) are to be viewed as qualified to practise, as stated in the circular of 25 March 2020.
To attend the practical evaluation internship, see the Regulations regarding the State qualification exams to practice the profession of surgeon (art.3, Ministerial Decree no.58 of 9 May 2018).
Students up to date with exams up to the fourth year can apply to start the practical-evaluation internship at the end of the exam sessions: from 15 September to 15 October, from 20 February to 15 March and from 20 to 31 July (this window is valid only for students who have finished the 6th year or are off-course or for cases of remedial activities). Exams passed but not yet recorded may be self-certified in the application request.
Students belonging to the 2014 and previous cohorts who intend to pursue qualifying status are required to write to tirocinio.med@uniupo.it
The list of departments valid for the qualifying internship is being updated.
Post-degree qualifying internship in accordance with M.D. 445/2001
Qualified individuals can proceed to self-certify achievement of the qualification, for the purposes of enrolment in the Medical Association and for any other use.
Qualified students are invited to send receipt of payment of the qualification fee by e-mail to the following address: segreteria.studenti.med@uniupo.it
Below are the correct instructions for payment of the qualification fee.
Upon obtaining the qualification, you must pay the professional qualification fee, the amount of which varies depending on the university where the qualification required for access to the State Exams was obtained.
If the qualification was taken in the Piedmont Region, payment of 103,29 euro must be made in the name of:
Via Madama Cristina 83
10126 Torino.
For other regions, to find out the fee and account number for payment, contact the State Exam Office of the university where you graduated.
Informazioni sul pagamento delle tasse per il conseguimento del titolo abilitante
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Last modified 5 October 2022