Final exam
Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery
The documents indicated below are sent electronically with the new ESSE3 procedure illustrated in the operational guide and according to the deadlines published at the bottom of the page:
- form for submission of thesis title (mod. 012 ter) downloadable from
- Receipt of completed AlmaLaurea survey (
- receipt of Job placement enrolment
- Thesis in PDF format, signed digitally with USIGN by supervisor
- UPO Alumni Young enrolment form (submit blank if you do not intend to register)
The thesis abstract must be sent to within 5 days before the viva.
The files to upload must be titled in the following format: SURNAME_NAME_type (e.g. ROSSI_PAOLO_THESIS, ROSSI_PAOLO_APPLICATION …)
To deliver to Student Admin Office:
- Completed transcripts of internship to qualify in Medical, Surgical and MMG areas (previously sent by email to
- Complete transcript booklet of curricular internship
- EEA transcript
- Form with degree marks
Unless otherwise indicated, the deadlines for presentation of documentation is as stated at the bottom of the page.
For more details, write to
The presentations, on a USB pendrive, will be uploaded to the laptop in the lecture hall before the viva.
The final graduation exam will be held in the Aula Magna of the Perrone Campus (it will not be possible to carry out preliminary technical tests). In addition to their own seat, each graduate student has 10 places available for guests. Access to the Aula Magna and the use of protective devices will take place in compliance with University rules.
Students can use one of the accredited professional photographers or freely choose another professional photographer, family member or friend who must comply with the same duties of conduct as accredited photographers, following the indications of the Chair of the Degree Commission and current disciplinary and safety regulations inside the University, principles of public order and current legislation regarding the protection of privacy and image confidentiality. The Chair of the Commission can prohibit or suspend the service and order the removal of individuals in the event of improper behaviour.
Linee guida per studenti - richiesta Aula Magna
- Documento PDF - 932.04 KB
Modulo di Iscrizione ad UPO Alumni Young
- Documento PDF - 399.74 KB
Dichiarazione di accettazione della ripresa della seduta visibile a terzi in streaming
- Documento PDF - 612.9 KB
- Documento PDF - 627.6 KB
- Documento PDF - 625.35 KB
Richiesta riconoscimento punti laurea.pdf
- Documento PDF - 123.92 KB
Informazioni pagamento tasse Laurea abilitante in Medicina e Chirurgia.pdf
- Documento PDF - 555.28 KB
Last modified 5 October 2022