Teachers of the Master’s degree
Degree course Master’s Degree in Nursing and Obstetrics
This page lists the teachers of the Master’s degree course in Nursing and Obstetric Studies:
- teachers 2020-2021 (16.12.2020);
Below is the list of coordinators of integrated courses, divided by year.
- Coordinators of integrated courses 2021-2022 (08/09/2021)
The UPOBOOK electronic address book is also available, through which you can find the contacts of all the academic and technical administrative staff of the university.
Elenco docenti LM Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche - 2020-2021
- Documento PDF - 25.45 KB
Coordinatori dei Corsi Integrati 2021-22
- Documento PDF - 8.27 KB
Useful Links
Last modified 12 October 2022