Additional educational requirements
Degree course Degree in Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
Students admitted to the degree who in the admission test have scored marks lower than those indicated below, will be assigned additional remedial obligations for the specific subjects, to be completed during the first year of the course.
- Obligation to attend additional courses for students who have not achieved 6 points in Mathematics and Physics
To achieve the remedial credits indicated above, students must activate their university e-mail account and connect to the DIR platform to follow the lessons and take a test. To access the DIR platform, connect to the website and log in with your institutional e-mail account details (username: <matricola> @ together with the password you defined during the activation phase).
On the DIR platform there is a course called "Additional Educational Obligations" where you must register to follow the video lessons contained. The test for a single discipline appears automatically when ALL VIDEO LESSONS for that discipline have been viewed. The verification test consists of a questionnaire to be answered online (10 questions). Success in the test (at least 6 correct answers out of 10) is communicated at the end of the questionnaire. Once eligibility has been achieved, the student must still register for the OFA session on the online exam board with the earliest available date, so as to allow the course president to record the status.
Please note that the final verification test is MANDATORY and necessary for enrolment in the exam session of:
Physical and Statistical Sciences - MS0138
The AEOs will be uploaded individually in the student booklet.
For clarifications and explanations on didactic content and on mode of attendance, completion of the test and registration of eligibility, you can write to
Avviso OFA con codici UGOV - Tec Lab.pdf
- Documento PDF - 180.54 KB
Last modified 10 October 2022