Teacher-Student Joint Committee (CPDS)
The School appoints a Joint Committee composed of an equal number of teachers and students, where possible representative of all the courses belonging to the School.
In order to guarantee neutrality, it is necessary that the Course Chairs, Department Managers, and School Chair not form part of the Joint Committee.
The Joint Committee is coordinated by a teacher (Chair) chosen from among the members of the Committee.
The Committee has the task of:
- carrying out continuous monitoring of courses and quality of teaching, as well as the services provided to students by professors and researchers
- identify indicators to evaluate the results of courses
- formulate opinions on the activation and suppression of courses
- draw up an annual report.
Below, you can find the composition of the Teacher-Student Joint Committee, divided by course.
- Teacher: Carini Rita
- Student: Vittoria Dante
- Teacher: Renò Filippo
- Student: Contoz Alessia
Dental Hygiene
- Teacher: Migliario Mario
- Student: Ariello Davide
- Teacher: Bertozzi Alessandra
- Student: Di Cappello Sara
Medical Biotechnologies
- Teacher: Gennari Alessandra - Chair
- Student: Morra Melissa
Medicine and Surgery
- Teacher: Aluffi Valletti Paolo
- Student: Mantovan Giulia (Vice-Chair)
Nursing and Obstetric Studies
- Teacher: Bellan Mattia
- Student: Fusè Claudio
Biomedical Laboratory Technologies
- Teacher: Rolla Roberta
- Student: Cavallo Andrea
Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
- Teacher: Gentilli Sergio
- Student: Gualdoni Patrizia
Annual Joint Committee Report
The annual report of the committee evaluates whether:
- the course pays due attention to the functions and skills required by employers, and personal and professional development, taking into account the needs of the economic and production system
- the learning outcomes are effective in relation to the functions and competences of reference
- the teaching activity of teachers, methods of transmitting knowledge and skills, teaching materials and aids, laboratories, classrooms, equipment and services to students carried out by teachers and researchers are effective in achieving the learning objectives at the desired level
- the examination methods make it possible to ascertain the results obtained
- the Annual Review achieves effective corrective actions for the course in subsequent years
- student satisfaction questionnaires are effectively managed, analysed and used
- updated, impartial, objective, quantitative and qualitative information on each programme offered is made available to the public by means of a regular and accessible publication of the public section of the Annual Course Report
To draw up the Annual Report, the following must be analysed:
- SUA-CdS form of the academic year just ended, also taking into account that of the current year (eg: in 2020 the form for the academic year 2021/22 is completed and that of the academic year is in progress. a. 2022/23)
- student entry, course and exit data
- results of the teaching evaluation questionnaires completed by students
- results of the Almalaurea surveys completed by graduates
- latest annual report of the Evaluation Team (NdV)
- latest Annual Monitoring Sheet (SMA) (former Annual Review Report)
- latest Cyclical Review Report (RCR).
The Annual Report is sent to the PQA (University Quality Presidium) and by the latter to the NdV (Evaluation Unit), to the Manager of the Department / School and to the Course Chairs, and must be presented and discussed in a session of the Department/School Council.
Relazione Annuale 2021
- Documento PDF - 445.16 KB
Relazione Annuale 2020
- Documento PDF - 1.38 MB
Relazione Annuale 2019
- Documento PDF - 1.98 MB
Relazione Annuale 2018
- Documento PDF - 316.68 KB
Relazione Annuale 2017
- Documento PDF - 573.82 KB
Relazione Annuale 2016
- Documento PDF - 1.21 MB
Relazione Annuale 2015
- Documento PDF - 1.11 MB
Relazione Annuale 2014
- Documento PDF - 1.25 MB
Relazione Annuale 2013
- Documento PDF - 96.71 KB
Last modified 16 August 2022