You can access the service if you are a:
- student, researcher, lecturer, technical-administrative staff or regular employee in one of the 2 departments
- employee of the Maggiore della Carità University Hospital.
There are 3 types of loans:
- daily loan for texts with a yellow sticker on the spine of the book; you can borrow a maximum of 2 books
- local loan for texts with green stamps: it has a duration of 15 days, renewable for one week if the text has not been booked by another user; you can borrow a maximum of 2 books
- interlibrary loan: this offers you the chance to receive books from other libraries, if not owned by our University.
If you are looking for a specific exam textbook, search the BiblioUPO catalogue, selecting “Course books” or check the database Exam coursebooks- fast search
If you want to borrow a book, come directly to the Library desk in the following hours:
- From Monday to Thursday: 9am-1pm and 2pm-3pm
- Fridays: 9am – 1pm
If you wish to be sure of finding the book you need, or you prefer to collect it at a different time, make a loan request and book an appointment for collection. From the moment of the request, you have 3 working days to collect the book, by appointment only. After 3 days, the book will be made available again to other users.
How to request books for loan or consultation
From the MyBiblio personal area from the biblioUPO catalogue:
- Log into MyBiblio
- search for the book in the catalogue
- once found, click on Find it in and then on Loan request or Consultation request
- for the loan: click on book the day and time of collection in the library and on the next screen on Make a new booking; for consultation: click on Make a new booking
- select from the drop-down menu next to the Owner item * MEDICINE LIBRARY and next to the Resource item * Collection of loans and articles
- select 1 from the drop-down menu corresponding to the time slot most congenial to you and then click on Insert. You will receive confirmation of the booking.
The Loans section displays the books requested for loan and consultation, the maximum collection date and the possibility of eliminating, with the red x, the loan or consultation request. In the Bookings section, all bookings made are displayed. If you decide to cancel the loan or consultation request, remember to also cancel the reservation by clicking on the red x.
or with the biblioUPO App from your smartphone, after downloading it in the Android or iOS Stores:
- search for the book in the catalogue
- select your library
- click on loan request or consultation request. For the loan: a popup appears inviting you to book the day and time of collection at the library: click on it; for consultation: select Book times from the main menu, then click on +
- Select your library from the Owner drop-down menu
- from the Resource drop-down menu, select Collection of loans and items
- choose the day and time slot from the proposed calendar.
In the Loans section you will find the summary of your loan requests and consultation; in the section Book times, your reservations.
Even if you request multiple books to borrow, only make one appointment.
How to apply for an interlibrary loan
Send an email to this address:
The arrival times of the material depend on the lending library and the postal service: they vary from 10 days to 2 weeks from the activation of the loan. The service is free except in cases where the supplying libraries request a refund.
To return the books, use the box located in the atrium which is accessed from the pedestrian entrance in via Perrone 18, during opening hours
Breve guida al catalogo BiblioUPO e a MyBiblio
- Documento PDF - 2.31 MB
Breve guida APP BiblioUPO
- Documento PDF - 661.56 KB
Last modified 4 October 2022